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Adult Sunday Morning Small Groups

Sunday morning small groups, also known as Sunday school classes, are a great way to grow in the Word as well as make friends with fellow disciples. Any staff member will be happy to escort you to one of our classes and introduce you to class members. Brochures about our Opportunities for Learning for all ages are available at the Welcome Centers. We encourage you to visit several classes until you find the class that feels like the right fit for you.
For more information, call the church office at 337-436-6656 or email us at
Young Adult Class
1st Floor - Room 106
Ages 25 - 45
Various parenting/young adult topics
3rd Floor - Room 304
Ages 35 - 60
Lessons from the Bible
Great Expectations
3rd Floor - Room 303
Ages 40-60
Contemporary Bible Study and Discussion
Leap of Faith
1st Floor - Room 108 (the Parlor)
Ages 45 - 70
Various Bible Studies
1st Floor - Room 110 (next to the Worship Center)
Ages 45 - 75+
Weekly lesson from the Cokesbury curriculum.
Thanks to Robert Haden for maintaining our class website.
Open Door
1st Floor - Room 107 (behind the sanctuary)
Ages 55 - 80
Variety of topics, learning sources, and discussion
Class List
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