Opportunities for Service

As followers of Christ, we are called to SERVE. Service can take many forms:
Service to community - local and global mission
Service to church - volunteer your gifts, talents, or energy
Service to one another - caring for those in need
This is NOT a complete list, but serves as an example of just a few ways you can serve. These ministries
are a result of the energies and gifts of our members who make them happen.
Service To Community - Local & Global Mission
Stock and serve groceries at the Faith & Friends food pantry (Mondays 1:00-2:30)
Prepare and serve at Abraham's Tent Soup Kitchen
Habitat For Humanity or Project Build a Future build days
Day Of Caring work day (held each spring on a Saturday)
Cooking for Grace Camp (summer camp for children of the incarcerated)
Mission Trips (scheduled annually)
Preparing Meals for the volunteer staff of Calcasieu Community Clinic
Prison Ministries (Men's and Women's)
Lunch Buddies (partner with Big Brothers/Big Sisters to meet a young student for lunch)
Sew Dignity Robes for cancer patients
Sew for the "Little Dresses For Africa" project
Donate food items to Food Pantry such as peanut butter and other staples
Donate items to our Homeless Ministry
Donate funds to the Communion offering which is used to assist the needy in the community
Service To Church
Welcome Center attendant
Scripture reader
Musicians & choir members
Sound & Video Tech volunteer
Snack makers for youth and children
Cookie bakers for church wide events
Answering phones
Greeting or Cooking for Celebrate Recovery Ministry
Service To One Another - Caring For Family In Need
"Soul Food" casserole ministry (preparing food for those just returning home from a stay in the hospital or experiencing other long-term health crisis)
Visitors for the sick & home-bound
Notes of care to those enduring grief, loss, illness, and life crisis
Prayer Warriors
Carpenters and skilled laborers to do minor repairs for members who can not afford them
Meals delivered to new parents
For a COMPLETE list of our Opportunities for Service offered through our church, CLICK HERE.
To offer your gift of service or get more information on any of the opportunities listed, call the church office at 337-436-6656 or email us at michelle.bergstedt@fumclc.org.