"Only President to be an Eagle Scout?" - by Rev. Weldon BaresHere is a good trivia question. Who is the only president to have reached the rank of Eagle in Boy Scouts? John F. Kennedy reached the...
"Pity Party?" - by Rev. Weldon BaresPity parties are not fun. There is no music. No laughter. We are sometimes the host of such parties in our lives. They are never joyous...
"The Most Amazing Book" - by Rev. Weldon BaresThe Bible has been translated into over two thousand languages. No other book in history even comes close to that. In fact, the Bible...
"A New School Year" - by Rev. Weldon BaresWith the beginning of a new school year upon us, I think back to some wonderful teachers in my life. I think of my first-grade teacher,...
"Lincoln and Depression" - by Rev. Weldon BaresI recently read Doris Goodwin’s bestseller “Team of Rivals.” The book is about Abraham Lincoln and some of the men who served with him in...
"Tailgate Driving" - by Rev. Weldon BaresI have to admit that I really don’t like it when someone tailgates me. It seems to always annoy me. In nearly every case, I am going the...
"Attacked With a Water Balloon" - by Rev. Weldon BaresI recently conducted a small wedding at Prien Lake Park. It was very hot, but a meaningful time. There is a water play area at the park....
"Hypocrites in the Church" - by Rev. Weldon BaresOver the years I have heard many reasons why people don’t go to church. In my opinion, one of the weakest reasons is when someone claims,...
"An Atheist Who Changed His Mind" - by Rev. Weldon BaresHave you ever heard of Antony Flew? He was a famous atheist who argued for years against the existence of God. But then he had a change...
"It's Never too Late!" - by Rev. Weldon BaresHave you ever heard of Sir Christopher Wren? He was the architect who built the incredible St. Paul’s Cathedral in London in the 1600's...