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These are my weekly articles that are published in the Lake Charles American Press. I hope and pray that they are helpful to you, as we grow in our faith together. God bless you!
Rev. Weldon C. Bares
"Mommy Muscles!" - by Rev. Weldon Bares
I arrived at our church early one weekday morning for a meeting. At the same time, a woman was getting out of her car headed for the...
"Who Was Sojourner Truth?" - by Rev. Weldon Bares
Have you ever heard of Sojourner Truth? She escaped from slavery in 1826 with her baby daughter. She was a member of the Methodist...
"New Ways of Cheating?" - by Rev. Weldon Bares
An article in a national publication was entitled, “eCheating: Students spin a Web of deceit on tests.” The article observed,...
"500,000 Euros in a Broken Boiler" - by Rev. Weldon Bares
An article in the Wall Street Journal described a man in Germany who wanted to hide his money and so he stuffed over 500,000 Euros in a...
"Are You Facing Trouble?" - by Rev. Weldon Bares
I like the story about a wife who came up to her husband one day and said, "Honey, there's trouble with the car. It has water in the...

"A New Puppy" - by Rev. Weldon Bares
I had forgotten what it was like to have a puppy. But now, it’s game on. I am almost two weeks into it, an 11-week-old Italian Spinone....
"What Would You Do With $500,000?" - by Rev. Weldon Bares
Harry Denman was a well-known lay Methodist evangelist. He told a story about a woman who visited her pastor one day. She reminded him...
"Major World Religions" - by Rev. Weldon Bares
We live in a world that is so diverse. That diversity can be clearly seen in this country, especially in the area of religion. While...
"What Are the Greatest Journeys in History?" - by Rev. Weldon Bares
I have an interesting book that is entitled, “The Seventy Great Journeys in History.” The book highlights many important journeys,...
"The Holidays Can Be Painful" - by Rev. Weldon Bares
The holiday season can be a time of pain for people. It's not all beautiful Christmas trees and smiling children sitting around opening...
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