"Visiting the Ancient City of Philippi" - by Rev. Weldon BaresIt was a wonderful privilege on a group tour to visit the ancient city of Philippi in northern Greece recently. The highlight of the trip...
"Visiting the Isle of Patmos" - by Rev. Weldon BaresOne of the highlights of a recent group trip to Greece was visiting the small island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea. Does the name of...
"My Bad Potato Soup Recipe" - by Rev. Weldon BaresI tried a recipe in the crock pot some time ago that was called “Easy Fix Potato Soup.” Yeah, right. Easy fix. T The recipe called for...
"Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas" - by Rev. Weldon BaresThe race between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas in 1858 for the United States Senate was one of the hardest fought in the history of...
"She Called Me Stupid" - by Rev. Weldon BaresSome time ago, I was driving through Alexandria. I stopped to get some coffee at McDonald’s, the drive-through. So there I was, minding...
"Only President to be an Eagle Scout?" - by Rev. Weldon BaresHere is a good trivia question. Who is the only president to have reached the rank of Eagle in Boy Scouts? John F. Kennedy reached the...
"Pity Party?" - by Rev. Weldon BaresPity parties are not fun. There is no music. No laughter. We are sometimes the host of such parties in our lives. They are never joyous...
"The Most Amazing Book" - by Rev. Weldon BaresThe Bible has been translated into over two thousand languages. No other book in history even comes close to that. In fact, the Bible...
"A New School Year" - by Rev. Weldon BaresWith the beginning of a new school year upon us, I think back to some wonderful teachers in my life. I think of my first-grade teacher,...
"Lincoln and Depression" - by Rev. Weldon BaresI recently read Doris Goodwin’s bestseller “Team of Rivals.” The book is about Abraham Lincoln and some of the men who served with him in...