What is the Get a Bit Healthier campaign?
a 6-month plan to encourage our FUMC family to improve their overall health in 2019
it’s not a diet or exercise program
it is more like window shopping for new healthier activities to add to your life
What is the structure?
Each month will have one topic we focus on and…
2-3 special events planned around that topic (these events are not Daniel Plan specific)
a Daniel Plan seminar on that that topic with guest speakers and DP material
​Who is this for?
our church members - no matter your current fitness level
our community …please invite your friends and neighbors to participate
Our hope is that these activities will improve your overall wellness & prepare you for His ultimate purpose for your life…. using your body as His temple for worship, service & witness.

Women of Jericho - an hour of prayer
Tuesdays in February
noon - 1 pm
Paxton Hall
Come for 5 min or 55 minutes as your schedule allows.
- Each woman will seal prayer request in an envelope.
- Envelope will be placed in a bucket in the center of the room.
- We will circle the bucket in prayer.
- This is open to all denominations.
- Feel free to bring sealed prayer requests of those who cannot attend.
- No judgement. No rules. Just prayer.

Spiritual Retreat: Refresh & Renew
Saturday, February 23
9 a.m. – 12 noon
Worship Center Narthex
Maybe one of your New Year's resolutions was to put more emphasis on your prayer life, but you're feeling a bit stuck? Maybe you already have a prayer routine, but want to explore new prayer practices! Either way, this retreat is for you. This is a great time to learn about various prayer techniques and to have a chance to put them into practice.
Techniques include centering prayer, prayer journaling and walking a prayer labyrinth. Men and women from our church as well as the community are invited!
For more information or to RSVP, please call Rev. Katie in the church office at 337 436-6656 or click here...

Learn a "15-min, no-sweat, workout for home or office"
Sunday, April 28
9:40 am
Paxton Hall
You'd be surprised at what raising your heart rate for just 15 minutes a day can do for your overall well-being! Join us as Lauren Veronie teaches us a quick routine you can do at home or at the office. No special dress required (because it it 'no sweat'). Everyone welcome.

Daniel Plan Seminars
One Sunday a month - meet in Paxton Hall
Morning Mini Session 9:40 am (video & discussion only)
Afternoon Full Session 3:30 – 5 pm (video, guest speaker & discussion)
February 10
Rev. Katie Black
March 10
Dr. Anatole &
Stephanie Karpovs
April 7
Kim DeVillier &
Lauren Veronie
May 5
June 9
Celebrate Recovery
Leadership Team