I tried a recipe in the crock pot some time ago that was called “Easy Fix Potato Soup.” Yeah, right. Easy fix.
The recipe called for potatoes, water, onions, celery, carrots, butter, salt, pepper and evaporated milk. I had never cooked with evaporated milk before and wasn’t quite sure about it.
So, I went to the grocery store for the ingredients, but I bought condensed milk instead of evaporated milk. Side by side, the two cans look similar. I wasn’t quite sure of the difference. Let me tell you, there is a big difference. I am now aware of that.
I have to admit the soup didn’t really taste like potato soup. It was kind of like a milk shake with potatoes, and I couldn’t quite eat it. But my dog sure loved his sample
The right ingredients are important in cooking potato soup. The right ingredients are also important to finding peace and happiness in our lives.
So often we get it all wrong. We sometimes foolishly believe that we need the ingredients of wealth, fame, good looks to be happy. We sometimes believe we need alcohol or drugs to bring us peace. So often we get it all wrong.
I find it interesting that a Gallup survey showed that people who are committed to their faith are twice as likely to be “very happy” than less religiously committed people.
Here is my opinion, for what it’s worth. I believe the most important ingredient to finding lasting happiness is having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who said, “I have come that they might have life, life abundantly.” (John 10:10)
Are you happy today? What ingredients are you counting on?