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"The Most Amazing Book" - by Rev. Weldon Bares

The Bible has been translated into over two thousand languages. No other book in history even comes close to that.

In fact, the Bible is the best-selling book in history. According to Time Magazine, the Bible is the best-selling book of the year every single year.

Much of the world’s fine art is based upon holy scripture. For example, in the National Gallery in London, nearly one-third of the paintings depict scenes from the Bible.

Classical music has oratorios, chorales and requiems that draw upon Biblical stories and verses. A good example is Handel’s “Messiah.”

Down through history, literature has been full of references to the Bible, including over a thousand references in the plays of Shakespeare. Charles Dickens called the New Testament, “the very best book that ever was or ever will be known in the world.”

The Bible is a book of poetry, historical narrative, symbolism, letters, prayers, prophecy, law, genealogy, parables, apocalypse.

But it is more than that. Much more. Our faith is that it is God-breathed, God-inspired.

The Psalmist affirmed, “Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” (Psalm 119: 105)

I encourage you to open this most amazing book and spend a few minutes reading it. By doing so, may we discover God’s light on our path.

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