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"What Are the Greatest Journeys in History?" - by Rev. Weldon Bares

I have an interesting book that is entitled, “The Seventy Great Journeys in History.” The book highlights many important journeys, including that of Marco Polo, Ferdinand Magellan, David Livingstone, Amelia Earhart, Neil Armstrong, St. Paul, Hannibal, Lewis and Clark, Christopher Columbus, Charles Lindbergh.

But I would include another journey in the list. A journey that took place many years ago in ancient Palestine. The journey of a carpenter named Joseph and his wife, Mary. An eighty-mile journey across rugged terrain over ten days, from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Something that made the journey extra difficult is that Mary was pregnant. The baby was due at any time.

Joseph and Mary were forced by the occupying Romans to make this journey to register for a census in the town of his birth. The journey changed their lives. Ultimately, it changed all of history.

Are you on a journey of some kind today? Journeys can be challenging. They can sure be frustrating. Sometimes they can be frightening or life changing.

Whatever journey you are on today, may God give you strength for each step of the way, as He did for Mary and Joseph.

As we prepare for Christmas, may we remember once again the journey of Joseph and Mary. May God help us to remember and celebrate in a meaningful way the birth of that holy child, the Prince of Peace, the Savior of the world.

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