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"A Mother's Testimony" - by Rev. Weldon Bares

Since our parents have passed away, my four brothers and I have been passing around old photos and other good memories.

I came across a large box that my mother had kept over the years, including, it must be, a copy of every sermon that I had ever preached, and every article that I have ever written.

She kept every one. I have to think that on nights that she had trouble sleeping, she would pull out one of those sermons and start reading it, and then the insomnia would go away.

She kept everything. Our old report cards and Mother’s Day cards and birthday cards.

I also found in the box a single sheet of paper with her handwriting on it. I don’t know the occasion or the date, but it was attached to a church bulletin.

She wrote this title, “What Christ means in my life.” Here is what she wrote: “Where do I begin? I will ever be grateful to my Christian parents. Since Christ has been real in my life, I have led a full life.

“The absolute joy of seeing my little ones have the love of Jesus in their hearts was my greatest joy in life.

“The example of Jesus’ life was the best guideline to turn to in rearing five sons, to say, ‘What would Jesus do?’

“I am so thankful that they have Jesus as the Lord of their lives. I am stronger in my love for God because of them.” And then she quoted scripture, “A little child shall lead them.” (Isaiah 11:6)

She has been gone for over twenty years. It seems like twenty days. Sometimes like twenty minutes. I miss her so much. Even more so on Mother’s Day.

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